[FilterScript] smart fighting styles in dialog -by shivkat

smart fighting styles in dialog

6 fighting styles
the styles , price , when the player does not have money the message he gets are as follows
- Normal Fighting Styles
price: 5000$
message: ohh! so you thought you will get it for free , first go get some money, or beg around

- Boxing
price : 20000$
message: go get money or i will punch your face , boxing huh!

- Kungfu
price: 15000$
message:i would have definetly taught you if you had money son , or you were chinese !

- KneeHead-
price: 12000$
message: i will break your head with my knee if you come again with your pockets empty!

- GrabKick
price: 10000$
message : ahh! i think i have to grab your face and kick it hard , money does the talking

- Elbow
message:would you kindly tell me wich of your body part should hit with my ellbow, poor dumbass !

some screenshots


credits: shivkat

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