Dedicated server shuting down.


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[06:42:10] filterscripts = "" (string)
[06:42:10] Server Plugins
[06:42:10] --------------
[06:42:10] Loading plugin: mysql

> MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.

[06:42:10] Loaded.
[06:42:10] Loading plugin: sscanf

[06:42:10] ===============================

[06:42:10] sscanf plugin loaded.

[06:42:10] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[06:42:10] ===============================

[06:42:10] Loaded.
[06:42:10] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[06:42:10] Loaded.
[06:42:10] Loaded 3 plugins.

[06:42:10] Filterscripts
[06:42:10] ---------------
[06:42:10] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[06:42:11] [MYSQL]: Connection to `afschool` succesful!
[06:42:12] [AF]Au fost incarcate casele!
[06:42:12] [AF]Au fost incarcate canalele irc!
[06:42:12] Paper:0 Used: 0 Maker:SahYn Title: Stiri de ultima ora! Text1: Se pare ca in orasul San Fiero. Text2: Faceti cerere la National Guard cat mai recruteaza! Text3: Mafiile se descurca bine in afacerile lor. Text4: Politisti ar trebui sa fie mai atenti cum conduc! Text5: Si admini sunt buni in treburile lor Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:1 Used: 0 Maker:SahYn Title: D Text1: None Text2: None Text3: None Text4: None Text5: None Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:2 Used: 0 Maker:None Title: None Text1: None Text2: None Text3: None Text4: None Text5: None Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:3 Used: 0 Maker:None Title: None Text1: None Text2: None Text3: None Text4: None Text5: None Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:4 Used: 0 Maker:None Title: None Text1: None Text2: None Text3: None Text4: None Text5: None Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:5 Used: 1 Maker:SahYn Title: Stiri de ultima ora! Text1: Se pare ca in orasul San Fiero este o vreme frumoasa. Text2: Faceti cerere la National Guard cat mai recruteaza! Text3: Mafiile se descurca in afacerile lor. Text4: Admini se descurca si ei mai bine ca niciodata Text5: Polististi ar trebui sa fie mai ate Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:6 Used: 0 Maker:None Title: None Text1: None Text2: None Text3: None Text4: None Text5: None Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:7 Used: 0 Maker:None Title: None Text1: None Text2: None Text3: None Text4: None Text5: None Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:8 Used: 0 Maker:None Title: None Text1: None Text2: None Text3: None Text4: None Text5: None Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] Paper:9 Used: 0 Maker:None Title: None Text1: None Text2: None Text3: None Text4: None Text5: None Text6: None Text7: None
[06:42:12] [AF]Au fost incarcate biz-urile!
[06:42:12] [AF]Au fost incarcate sbiz-urile!
[06:42:13] [AF]Au fost incarcate teritoriile!
[06:42:13] [AF]Au fost incarcate seifurile!
[06:42:13] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[06:42:13] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[06:42:17] [AF]Au fost incarcate masinile personale!
[06:42:17] id = 0, faction = 0, alianta = 0
[06:42:17] id = 0, faction = 0, alianta = 0
[06:42:17] id = 0, faction = 0, alianta = 0
[06:42:17] id = 0, faction = 0, alianta = 0
[06:42:17] id = 0, faction = 0, alianta = 0
[06:42:17] id = 0, faction = 0, alianta = 0
[06:42:17] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 196
[06:42:17] The Godfather: LS/SF
[06:42:17] _____________________
[06:42:17] By: Fear
[06:42:17] Edited more 80% by Emanuelll
[06:42:17] Number of vehicle models: 112


Messages In This Thread
Dedicated server shuting down. - by Hitek - 22.09.2012, 13:31
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by shivkat - 22.09.2012, 13:32
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by Hitek - 22.09.2012, 13:39
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by Mark™ - 22.09.2012, 13:43
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by Hitek - 22.09.2012, 13:49
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by shivkat - 22.09.2012, 13:57
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by Hitek - 22.09.2012, 14:01
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by shivkat - 22.09.2012, 14:06
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by Hitek - 22.09.2012, 14:19
Re: Dedicated server shuting down. - by shivkat - 22.09.2012, 14:25

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