22.09.2012, 02:15
esta fazendo desta forma ?
pawn Код:
CreatePickup(ID, 1, float:x,float:y,float:z); // 1 para nao desaparecer
pawn Код:
/* Tipos de Pickup */
0 - The pickup does not display.
1 - Not pickupable, exists all the time.
2 - Pickupable, respawns after some time.
3 - Pickupable, respawns after death
4 - Disappears shortly after created (perhaps for weapon drops?)
5 - Disappears shortly after created (perhaps for weapon drops?)
8 - Pickupable, but has no effect. Disappears automatically.
11 - Blows up a few seconds after being created (bombs?)
12 - Blows up a few seconds after being created.
13 - Slowly decends to the ground.
14 - Pickupable, but only when in a vehicle. Falls through objects made with CreateObject, etc.
15 - Pickupable, respawns after death
19 - Pickupable, but has no effect (information icons?)
22 - Pickupable, respawns after death.
23 - Pickupable, but doesn't disappear on pickup.