Having a prob!

pawn Код:
new id,name[50],skin,wp1,a1,wp2,a2;
if (sscanf(params, "us[50]iiiii", id, name, skin, wp1, a1, wp2, a2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Usage: /createorg [orgid] [orgname] [skinid] [wep1] [am1] [wep2] [am2]");
new string[140];
new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
if (OrgsCount >= MAX_ORGS) return printf("You have exceeded the MAX_ORGS- define! Aborted");
Organization[id][Skin] = skin;
Organization[id][X] = x;
Organization[id][Y] = y;
Organization[id][Z] = z;
Organization[id][Weapons][0] = wp1;
Organization[id][Ammo][0] = a1;
Organization[id][Weapons][1] = wp2;
Organization[id][Ammo][1] = a2;
printf("Organization created: ID: %d || Name: %s",id, name);
format(string,sizeof(string),"{5CB3FF}HQ:{FFFFFF} %s\nType {5CB3FF}/org{FFFFFF} for more information!",name);
Organization[id][OrgLabel] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0x008080FF, x, y, z, 25.0, 0);
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xD6D6D6AA,"You've made an organization");
return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Having a prob! - by RyanPetersons - 19.09.2012, 16:11
Re: Having a prob! - by HuSs3n - 19.09.2012, 16:14
Re: Having a prob! - by trapstar2020 - 19.09.2012, 16:15
Re: Having a prob! - by RyanPetersons - 19.09.2012, 16:20
Re: Having a prob! - by RyanPetersons - 19.09.2012, 16:22
Re: Having a prob! - by HuSs3n - 19.09.2012, 16:31
Re: Having a prob! - by RyanPetersons - 19.09.2012, 16:34
Re: Having a prob! - by RyanPetersons - 19.09.2012, 17:12

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