[Map] Santa Maria Beach Event Center

You have to delete the gate and re add it if the script has that function, otherwise you have to go into the script and create a gate command and script it to open/close for the object.

Messages In This Thread
Santa Maria Beach Event Center(THE PIER) - by maddoghalo1 - 02.06.2012, 18:46
Re: Santa Maria Beach Event Center - by Wackerly - 07.06.2012, 20:32
Re: Santa Maria Beach Event Center - by maddoghalo1 - 18.09.2012, 20:09
Re: Santa Maria Beach Event Center - by NoahF - 18.09.2012, 20:26
Re: Santa Maria Beach Event Center - by maddoghalo1 - 18.09.2012, 20:28
Re : Santa Maria Beach Event Center - by hoomer - 02.10.2012, 12:03

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