[Tutorial] How to make a server public from Home


This is for those who tryed 100s of tutorial on how to make your server public from home! AND HAVE TROUBLE WITH PORTFORWARD. IF I FORGET SOMETHING TELL ME I WILL FIX IT!

Ok so there is alot of tutorial out there on this but is missing one step, what I mean by that is they don't explain a important step. I am not trying to be mean or anything so lets get started. This isn't how to make a server or gamemode. (READ tutorial it might not be detailed to you, HOWEVER ITS NOT MISSING ANY STEPS)

Step 1: First download the server from sa-mp.com/download.php

Step 2: Change the server.cfg to anything, such as the rcon password, title, and url and e.t.c

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password changeme
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname Unnamed 0.2X Server
gamemode0 lvdm 1
filterscripts adminspec vaction
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.sa-mp.com
anticheat 0

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 12345
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname tutorial test
gamemode0 lvdm 1
filterscripts adminspec vaction
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.sa-mp.com <<------FROM SA-MP
anticheat 0

Step 3: You have to portforward it, usually you would use portforward.com, but there is http://simpleportforwarding.com which is free, but its custom made.

Step 4: Download the program from http://simpleportforwarding.com and add a port in files, click custom cause its free and name it SA-MP, ports should be what you want, after you add, update your router in the bottom. Now wait until it updates, oh and you must pick your router type.

Step 5: Go to firewall, if you have windows 7 go to advanced settings, and click Inbound Rules and add new rules, use the same name as what you put in simpleportfoward program, You have to put two with same name, however one is UDP and another is TCP and must have same ports as portforwarded. (STATES WINDOWS 7 because it is rarely mentioned)

Step 6: Now open simpleportforward again and click tools on top and check if you port is open, if yes continue, if not redo STEP 4 or 5.

Step 7 (IMPORTANT): Make sure you have wireless and static ip, or cabled internet and static ip (NOT SURE IF CABLED WORKS), doesn't matter. BUT DON'T HAVE BOTH!

Step 8: Now start your server and check if its online in monitor.sacnr.com


Or do another tutorial and remember not to have both wireless and cable on




Messages In This Thread
How to make a server public from Home - by KevinPRINCE - 18.09.2012, 14:40
Re: How to make a server public from Home - by RLGaming - 18.09.2012, 16:53
Re: How to make a server public from Home - by Glint - 18.09.2012, 17:08
Re: How to make a server public from Home - by xMCx - 18.09.2012, 17:58
Re: How to make a server public from Home - by KevinPRINCE - 18.09.2012, 22:32
Re: How to make a server public from Home - by KevinPRINCE - 27.10.2013, 19:52
Re: How to make a server public from Home - by Luis- - 27.10.2013, 20:20
Re: How to make a server public from Home - by KevinPRINCE - 27.10.2013, 20:21
Re: How to make a server public from Home - by FiReMaNStone - 27.10.2013, 20:47

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