Compiler Questions! - What does it do? Why does it take a while? Are there ways to speed it up?

I came across a problem with macro order recently, where I was trying to make a simple macro for admin commands

#define LEVEL 2 at the top of the include with level 2 commands
then in the commands there was this:

ACMD:someadmincommand[LEVEL](playerid, params[])

problem is, it replaced the "ACMD:%0[%1](%2)" structure before the "LEVEL" definition so commands ended up like this

public cmd_someadmincommand_LEVEL(...)
instead of
public cmd_someadmincommand_2(...)

I will have a play around with that online editor, that's a really great tool!

Also, I made an odd discovery, after adding "-l" you mentioned compile times seemed to have improved!
These are the parameters:

"-O1 -d3" = 9.6 seconds
"-O1 -d3 -l" = 2.4 seconds

Again, thanks for this!

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