Lying on floor if lower then 5 hp

Heey all,

I made a simple bleeding out system for when a player has lower then 5 health he is lying on the floor and can be revived.
But sometimes the player freezes and still standing.
How can i make the player lying on the floor?
Or is it possible to use something onplayerdeath that the player freezes and get be revived?

Thanks Admigo

Messages In This Thread
Lying on floor if lower then 5 hp - by Admigo - 16.09.2012, 08:38
Re: Lying on floor if lower then 5 hp - by HuSs3n - 16.09.2012, 08:42
Re: Lying on floor if lower then 5 hp - by Kitten - 16.09.2012, 08:43
Re: Lying on floor if lower then 5 hp - by Admigo - 16.09.2012, 08:47
Re: Lying on floor if lower then 5 hp - by Kitten - 16.09.2012, 09:09

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