What does "refunding" mean?

There are a few servers which ask for screenshots of their stats of server they used to play on. I hate that, wouldn't want to play on a server that did that, would make me want to leave instantly.

Messages In This Thread
What does "refunding" mean? - by Westingham - 31.08.2012, 15:00
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by HyDrAtIc - 31.08.2012, 15:04
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by Infinity - 31.08.2012, 15:06
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by HyDrAtIc - 31.08.2012, 15:08
AW: What does "refunding" mean? - by Drebin - 31.08.2012, 15:19
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by Mado - 31.08.2012, 15:37
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by Kaperstone - 31.08.2012, 16:18
Re: AW: What does "refunding" mean? - by Guitar - 09.09.2012, 12:50
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by Potassium - 10.09.2012, 03:41
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by ViruZz - 13.09.2012, 21:18
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by DaizeN - 13.09.2012, 21:58
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by Lordzy - 14.09.2012, 01:08
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by Zeeman - 15.09.2012, 19:17
Re : What does "refunding" mean? - by M16 - 15.09.2012, 19:27
Re: What does "refunding" mean? - by xkirill - 15.09.2012, 19:39

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