PlayerTextDraw - Selectable?

pawn Code:
PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, pTutorialDrawSkin[12][playerid], 1337.000, 1337.000);
1337 TextSize? really? that's why this isn't work.

TextSize, which works as box size is the area that will be avilable to be clicked. Also, when the cursor is moved on the area the color will change.

Use a text draw editor to use a box, set the area and use it before setting the text draw as selectable.
You should remove the UseBox line from the output of the TD editor.

** AND: scripting section next time!

Messages In This Thread
PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by 'Pawno. - 13.09.2012, 17:56
Re: PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by Glint - 13.09.2012, 18:12
AW: PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by 'Pawno. - 13.09.2012, 18:32
AW: PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by 'Pawno. - 14.09.2012, 09:24
Re: PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by Glint - 14.09.2012, 09:30
Re: PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by Amit_B - 14.09.2012, 11:02
AW: PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by 'Pawno. - 14.09.2012, 17:12
Re: PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by Amit_B - 14.09.2012, 18:21
AW: PlayerTextDraw - Selectable? - by 'Pawno. - 15.09.2012, 12:59

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