Textdraw Issue... [REP +]

*Cough* So yeah. I feel like an R-Tard. The main issue was I let the Filterscript still run and the script run the same textdraws, Also when I restarted the server, It destroyed the Textdraws and didnt Create them again. So yeah.....

Problem Solved...

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw Issue... [REP +] - by [TC]XxJuggaloxX - 13.09.2012, 19:38
Re: Textdraw Issue... [REP +] - by mamorunl - 13.09.2012, 19:40
Re: Textdraw Issue... [REP +] - by Glint - 13.09.2012, 19:43
Re: Textdraw Issue... [REP +] - by [TC]XxJuggaloxX - 13.09.2012, 19:43
Re: Textdraw Issue... [REP +] - by [LB]BlAcK_DeViL - 13.09.2012, 19:49
Re: Textdraw Issue... [REP +] - by [TC]XxJuggaloxX - 13.09.2012, 19:58

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