13.09.2012, 16:18
Ahh righto, thanks all for your responses, may I ask what is this and how does it work?
as far as I know it's a loop or something, whether that's correct or not I have no idea.
Also Costel
This is the error I got
Line 4600
surrounding code
pawn Код:
for( new houseid = 0; houseid < MAX_HOUSES; houseid ++ )
Also Costel
This is the error I got
pawn Код:
(4600) : error 036: empty statement
pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, Range, House[houseid][hExtPosX], House[houseid][hExtPosY], House[houseid][hExtPosZ]));
pawn Код:
stock IsPlayerInRangeOfAnyHouse(playerid, Float:Range)
for(new houseid = 0; houseid < MAX_HOUSES; houseid ++)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, Range, House[houseid][hExtPosX], House[houseid][hExtPosY], House[houseid][hExtPosZ]));// <--- Line 4600
return houseid;
return 0;