Help Again REP++

pawn Код:
if(pickupid == info)
    new help[2500];
    strcat(help, "{FF0000}______________________________________________{33AA33}|- BEGINNER GUIDE -|{FF0000}______________________________________________  \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{33AA33}|- {FF0000}House System {33AA33}-|\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}You Can Find Houses All Over San Andreas Map. Houses Come Variety Of Different Styles,Sizes ,And Prices\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}Server Has Professional Mapper So They Can Create\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/buyh Is To Buy Available House. And /sellh Is TO Sell Your Current House \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/lockh Is To Lock Your House. And /unlockh is To Unlock Your House \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/enterh To Enter a Houses. And /exith To Exit To The House {COLOR_RED}[NOTE: Dont Use Doors]\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/gotoh To Teleport To Your House\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{33AA33}|- {FF0000}Vehicle Ownership System {33AA33}-|\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}You Can Find Vehicles All Over San Andereas Map. There are 2000 Vehicles Can Buy, 180 Models ,and 15 Max Vehicles \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}We Have Many Command For Vehicle Ownership System \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/vbuy To Buy Vehicles. ,and /vsell To Sell Your Vehicles \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/vcall To call Your Vehicle One By One. and /vpark to Park Your Vehicle \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{33AA33}|- {FF0000}Business System {33AA33}-|\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}Your Bussines Will Earn Specific Ammount Of Money per Hour And That Ammount differs From bussines To Bussines\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/buybiz To Buy A Business, /sellbiz To Sell Your Current Business\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/gotobiz To Teleport To Your Business, /cashbox And Your Money Will be sent to your Bank Account \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{33AA33}|- {FF0000}Other {33AA33}-|\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/racehelp To See Race Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/bankhelp(l) To See Laws Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/medichelp(l) To See Medics Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/cellhelp(l) To See Cellphone Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/ganghelp(l) To See Gangs Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/telehelp(l) To See Teleports Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FF0000}________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  \n", sizeof(help));
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123456, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "NEW-GENERATION HELP", help, "Close","");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, red,"Press ESC To Close The Dialog");
    new p = ClosestBiz(playerid);
    if(pickupid < 3) {
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~Type ~y~/bankhelpl ~b~ to use the bank.",5000,3);
//      ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID3+9, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Bank Commands", "Teleport to the Bank\nExit the Bank\nBuy a Condom\nBuy Weed\nBuy Weed Bag\nDeposit Money\nDeposit Gang Money\nWithdraw Money\nWithdraw Gang Money\nCheck Balance\nCheck Gang Balance\nGive Money to Player\nAttempt to rob the Bank", "Select", "Cancel");
        return 1;
I Create That Dialog But The Dialog Dosent WOrk
And This Will Gonna Show TO u
pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~Type ~y~/bankhelpl ~b~ to use the bank.",5000,3);
Thats Code
Please Need Help

Messages In This Thread
Help Again REP++ - by Windrush - 13.09.2012, 11:41
Re: Help Again REP++ - by Windrush - 13.09.2012, 11:45
Re: Help Again REP++ - by iiLiamii - 13.09.2012, 11:48
Re: Help Again REP++ - by Kirollos - 13.09.2012, 11:48
Re: Help Again REP++ - by Windrush - 13.09.2012, 12:05
Re: Help Again REP++ - by Windrush - 13.09.2012, 12:44
Re: Help Again REP++ - by Cjgogo - 13.09.2012, 12:52

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