[Help]PHP and Query

What i know is that you can use this function for it: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagepolygon.php

There are more functions to create lines and images with PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/book.image.php

Messages In This Thread
[Help]PHP and Query - by Fico62 - 12.09.2012, 20:50
Re: [Help]PHP and Query - by iPawner - 12.09.2012, 20:52
Re: [Help]PHP and Query - by Fico62 - 12.09.2012, 20:54
Re: [Help]PHP and Query - by Si|ent - 12.09.2012, 21:06
Re: [Help]PHP and Query - by BlackBank - 12.09.2012, 21:10
Re: [Help]PHP and Query - by mamorunl - 12.09.2012, 21:57
Re: [Help]PHP and Query - by R@f - 12.09.2012, 22:54
Re: [Help]PHP and Query - by Fico62 - 13.09.2012, 07:11
Re : [Help]PHP and Query - by R@f - 13.09.2012, 13:28

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