clickable textdraw

im so sry for posting again.
it compiled successfully but when i ran the server , i couldn't click on that clickable textdraw

Messages In This Thread
clickable textdraw - by R4VER - 12.09.2012, 10:33
Respuesta: clickable textdraw - by Siralos - 12.09.2012, 10:35
Re: clickable textdraw - by R4VER - 12.09.2012, 10:37
Respuesta: clickable textdraw - by Siralos - 12.09.2012, 10:39
Re: clickable textdraw - by R4VER - 12.09.2012, 10:45
Re: clickable textdraw - by Vince - 12.09.2012, 10:51
Re: clickable textdraw - by R4VER - 12.09.2012, 12:55
Re: clickable textdraw - by R4VER - 12.09.2012, 13:01
Re: clickable textdraw - by R4VER - 12.09.2012, 13:19

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