Threaded and non threaded queries

Can some one please explain what's the difference between threaded and non threaded queries?
I saw on AndreT tutorial it gives more performance but i don't really see the idea...
Can someone explain it please? or atleast try to simplify it?
And please don't post links to wikipedia or something cuz its complex.

Messages In This Thread
Threaded and non threaded queries - by CoDeZ - 11.09.2012, 21:30
Re: Threaded and non threaded queries - by CoDeZ - 12.09.2012, 12:40
Re: Threaded and non threaded queries - by Vince - 12.09.2012, 13:00
Re: Threaded and non threaded queries - by CoDeZ - 12.09.2012, 13:17

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