OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why)

Not sure if this is a bug or more a player latency/ping issue..

OnPlayerDisconnect seems to get called for some players and the player is still connected?
They are still walking around and talking in chat?

Recently i created a vehicle dealership at otto's in sf, which allows players to buy most vehicles with in-game cash an that then saves on their account along with mods an colour ofc.

So i have a variable in OnPlayerDisconnect called "gPlayerDisconnect" which is set to 1 when a player disconnects, after that the variable is then checked by the vehicle saving function.
The vehicle saving function then sees this an destroys the leaving players vehicleid so that id is free for the next connecting player.

Having said all this.. there has been some cases where a players car gets randomly deleted.. but the player is still connected.. (complaining lots ofc) but talking in chat an doing things that you can normally do...

The vehicle can only be deleted if gPlayerDisconnect = 1.. so it must of been called for that player, no?

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by Killa[DGZ] - 11.09.2012, 04:07
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by Glint - 11.09.2012, 07:22
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by Jay_ - 11.09.2012, 10:50
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by Glint - 11.09.2012, 11:01
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by Killa[DGZ] - 11.09.2012, 13:14
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by Glint - 11.09.2012, 13:33
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by Killa[DGZ] - 11.09.2012, 14:07
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by SAMP_Luke - 11.09.2012, 14:09
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by Killa[DGZ] - 11.09.2012, 14:33
Re: OnPlayerDisconnect(unsure why) - by SuperViper - 11.09.2012, 14:36

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