Free Hosting. or one that doesn't go monthly

Originally Posted by FaceTutorialz
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Is there one that doesn't go MONTHLY? I don't really care about free server hosting. For example:

10 Slots/0.75 US$
15 Slots/1.50 US$

For only one payment and your server is hosted.
That might be harder. Dont think so. So find the free host insted of paying.
But as for me, i stick with volt, cuz i can pay via my phone. (I hate using my creditcard)

Messages In This Thread
Free Hosting. or one that doesn't go monthly - by FaceTutorialz - 11.09.2012, 00:00
Re: Free Hosting. or one that doesn't go monthly - by $mooth - 11.09.2012, 00:05
Re: Free Hosting. or one that doesn't go monthly - by FaceTutorialz - 11.09.2012, 00:11
Re: Free Hosting. or one that doesn't go monthly - by $mooth - 11.09.2012, 00:19
Re: Free Hosting. or one that doesn't go monthly - by FaceTutorialz - 11.09.2012, 00:21

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