wait then respawn

The function is:
pawn Код:
SetVehicleToRespawn( vehicleid );
You can use a timer for what you want to do!

Messages In This Thread
wait then respawn - by phil_lendon - 10.09.2012, 15:19
Re: wait then respawn - by Roach_ - 10.09.2012, 15:21
AW: wait then respawn - by BiosMarcel - 10.09.2012, 15:21
Re: wait then respawn - by phil_lendon - 10.09.2012, 15:21
Re: wait then respawn - by Roach_ - 10.09.2012, 15:31
Re: wait then respawn - by mamorunl - 10.09.2012, 15:40

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