Error 047 on a return statement?!

Change [8][100] to [] [] - which will let the pawn compiler determine how big the array is based on what data is in there.

Messages In This Thread
Error 047 on a return statement?! - by mamorunl - 08.09.2012, 13:55
Re: Error 047 on a return statement?! - by MP2 - 08.09.2012, 13:57
Re: Error 047 on a return statement?! - by mamorunl - 08.09.2012, 14:01
Re: Error 047 on a return statement?! - by HuSs3n - 08.09.2012, 14:03
Re: Error 047 on a return statement?! - by Guest3598475934857938411 - 08.09.2012, 14:38
Re: Error 047 on a return statement?! - by mamorunl - 08.09.2012, 14:57

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