MusicStreamer (without lag while playing)

Lagging while streaming music has 0.01% to do with having a shit computer. Get your facts straight.

It has to do with the host. I can confirm this, I live in the NL, I tried a USA host and it lagged, played for ~5s and it stopped. Used an EU host, played for the full ~4 minutes, no lag, no shit.

Nice program, nonetheless.

Messages In This Thread
MusicStreamer (without lag while playing) - by $mooth - 07.09.2012, 22:48
Re: MusicStreamer (without lag while playing) - by EliteDrive - 07.09.2012, 23:09
Re: MusicStreamer (without lag while playing) - by $mooth - 07.09.2012, 23:12
Re: MusicStreamer (without lag while playing) - by Deathh - 08.09.2012, 01:24
Re: MusicStreamer (without lag while playing) - by $mooth - 05.10.2012, 19:20
Re: MusicStreamer (without lag while playing) - by Hitek - 08.10.2012, 16:24
Re: MusicStreamer (without lag while playing) - by Skillet` - 08.10.2012, 16:40
Re: MusicStreamer (without lag while playing) - by saiberfun - 08.10.2012, 21:51

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