[help] OnPlayerPickUpPickup ~ continous pickup

I create a pickup that opens a dialog with a few things you can select.

when im in the pickup it keeps reopening the dialog when I close it.

is there a way to only pickup the pickup once whithout making it disappear for other players?

Messages In This Thread
[help] OnPlayerPickUpPickup ~ continous pickup - by jeffery30162 - 07.09.2012, 01:07
Re: [help] OnPlayerPickUpPickup ~ continous pickup - by lamarr007 - 07.09.2012, 03:51
Re: [help] OnPlayerPickUpPickup ~ continous pickup - by jeffery30162 - 07.09.2012, 17:35
Re: [help] OnPlayerPickUpPickup ~ continous pickup - by micol - 07.09.2012, 18:35
Respuesta: [help] OnPlayerPickUpPickup ~ continous pickup - by jeffery30162 - 07.09.2012, 22:48

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