An offline ban command

pawn Код:
YCMD:offlineban(playerid, params[], help)
    if( !sscanf(params, "u", TargetID))
        new string[32];
        new INI:File = INI_Open(PATH);
        if(!fexist(string)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Invalid player name.");
        //BanEx( TargetID, "offlineban" );
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1, "You have now banned the player..");
        return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /offlineban [playername]");
    return 1;
Not sure if I got this right, I would love some help!

Messages In This Thread
An offline ban command - by HydraX - 06.09.2012, 23:10
Respuesta: An offline ban command - by HydraX - 06.09.2012, 23:43
Re: An offline ban command - by [ABK]Antonio - 06.09.2012, 23:45
Respuesta: Re: An offline ban command - by HydraX - 06.09.2012, 23:49
Re: An offline ban command - by Penki4a - 07.09.2012, 01:27
Respuesta: Re: An offline ban command - by HydraX - 07.09.2012, 01:59
Re: An offline ban command - by [HiC]TheKiller - 07.09.2012, 06:50
Re : An offline ban command - by ricardo178 - 07.09.2012, 07:26
Respuesta: Re: An offline ban command - by HydraX - 07.09.2012, 20:20

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