Nothing happens when I connect to a server

Try deleting SA-MP and reinstalling it. If it doesn't work

Delete the "gta_sa.set" file from your userfiles folder and make sure you don't have any cheats or mods.

Gta_sa.set should be at "My documents->GTA San Andreas User Files"

Messages In This Thread
Nothing happens when I connect to a server - by VoViCa - 04.09.2012, 18:14
Re: Nothing happens when I connect to a server - by razor steven - 04.09.2012, 18:31
Re: Nothing happens when I connect to a server - by Yaki - 04.09.2012, 20:06
Re: Nothing happens when I connect to a server - by EliteDrive - 05.09.2012, 00:45
Re: Nothing happens when I connect to a server - by VoViCa - 05.09.2012, 07:03
Re: Nothing happens when I connect to a server - by EliteDrive - 05.09.2012, 13:17

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