At Last The First DDOS Protection that actually work [Vpses users only]

Well i guess the title describes what the topic is talking about.

Brought to you By Hackers White Hats Army
Hey guys it's me. So what's up ? i saw alot of people whining and yelling because of being DDosed by kids so uhm
i was kinda searching the net from a forum to another and to be honest even some known white hats forums. got nothing to even decrease the DDos attacks But ofcourse Arabs got their own thing to become the best at.

So from a international Arabian/Egyptian Forums [Hacking etc] Some one from the team offered a script,

Called : DDos - Deflate.
it's mission ? it kinda protects your TCP handshake to get transfered without problems.

It's an Open source was made by some Black hats + White hats hackers helped in protecting alot of people lately and i though to bring it here and help in solving some problems.

First Question ?

Q: But Why did you say it's for only vpses ?

A: Because Hosts as volt host color host etc i guess doesn't allow hosters to gain putty access and you need putty for this script.

Second Question ?

Q: Does this method actually works ?

A: Well it had alot of positive replies and vouches so i guess it's working fine.

Third Question ?

Q: Well can you tell me how to install it please ?

A: Sure the steps are:

1- Open Putty >
2- Input your ip and connect login with root and password >
3- Now time to download the Script:Copy this line to your command and press Enter


4-To give it a permission same with this line chmod 0700

5- Now last thing To start the guard same with this line also ./

and done. Hope you like it and i hope it works.

Note : Please newbies give the forums and me some rest and please don't expect to stop a DDOS attack with about 3~10 GB packs because i saw some one talking about something like that later.
believe me if you hired Triple H him self won't stop an attack like that.

Source for this codes : Hackers Army Forums. White Hats Army.

i take no credits for this as i am not the real maker of this method.

All thanks to every one who helped me and to my friends one by one.

Thanks and greats to every single of the great SAMP community Developers and Beta testers.

Best Regards Vedo.

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