AttachTrailerToVehicle problem

Problem: I get this "Job: You have to collect products that have grown after you farmed the land. (( /jpick ))" message, but trailer isn't attached. Trailer changes it's rotation( Z-rotation) but it does not attach itself to the players car.
Trailer is next to vehicle( streamed )
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
            if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 531)
                SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_JOB,"Job: You have to collect products that have grown after you farmed the land. (( /jpick ))");
    return 1;
code cut out from OnDialogResponse. Could be helpful.
pawn Код:
PlayerTrailer[playerid]=CreateVehicle(607, -1.9775,38.4117,3.0796,330.3404, 0, 0, -1);
I am not receiving any warnings or errors.

Please help. Thank you in advance!

Messages In This Thread
AttachTrailerToVehicle problem - by Roko_foko - 03.09.2012, 17:10
Re: AttachTrailerToVehicle problem - by Roko_foko - 03.09.2012, 18:56
Re: AttachTrailerToVehicle problem - by [BOPE]Seu._.Madruga - 03.09.2012, 20:02
Re: AttachTrailerToVehicle problem - by Roko_foko - 03.09.2012, 20:25
Re: AttachTrailerToVehicle problem - by [BOPE]Seu._.Madruga - 03.09.2012, 20:36
Re: AttachTrailerToVehicle problem - by Roko_foko - 03.09.2012, 21:50

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