CreateDynamicObjectEx constant experssion?

Thank you very much. But I still don't get it completly.
This is what I tried:
pawn Код:
WheatObj[playerid][i]=CreateDynamicObjectEx(1454, -209.0760,-33.3091,3.0828, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, {0},{ 0 });
//^erased the {playerid}
and getting
 error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero
What am I doing wrong?

pawn Код:
WheatObj[playerid][i]=CreateDynamicObjectEx(1454, -209.0760,-33.3091,3.0828, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, { 0 },{ 0 },{MAX_PLAYERS});
//^MAX_PLAYERS- I had to set something. In case I don't it will be visible for all.
//^playerid that equals MAX_PLAYERS doesn't exist - that is the reason I've put it here.
Streamer_AppendArrayData(STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, WheatObj[playerid][i], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, playerid);
I came up to this alternative.
Will this work? ( i want that it's shown only for playerid )

Messages In This Thread
CreateDynamicObjectEx constant experssion? - by Roko_foko - 03.09.2012, 07:06
Re: CreateDynamicObjectEx constant experssion? - by Misiur - 03.09.2012, 07:31
Re: CreateDynamicObjectEx constant experssion? - by Roko_foko - 03.09.2012, 08:14
Re: CreateDynamicObjectEx constant experssion? - by Misiur - 03.09.2012, 09:12
Re: CreateDynamicObjectEx constant experssion? - by Roko_foko - 03.09.2012, 09:19
Re: CreateDynamicObjectEx constant experssion? - by Misiur - 03.09.2012, 09:22
Re: CreateDynamicObjectEx constant experssion? - by Roko_foko - 03.09.2012, 09:25

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