08.01.2009, 21:05
VERY interesting post from one of few who have actually done something good with The Godfather. I often find it amazing that so many kids decide they want to run a server for whatever reason and proceed to set up a server on their home connection running LVDM or The Godfather and instantly expect it to hit 200/200 players before coming here to moan and bitch about scripting and how many "useless" servers there are in the masterlist, despite the fact that they are also contributing to the mess. What also shocks me is how many people continue to run servers with non-custom gamemodes that get absolutely no players what-so-ever, just making the masterlist load even slower for those who have something to offer to players.
Perfect example of the useless trolls who plague SA:MP
Originally Posted by scorp1543
got lost on Dear Users.. It was about godfather, So i stopped reading >.>