[FilterScript] Away script [Textdraw]

Away script
Just made a simple away/afk script that you can use and edit.

/away Optional([reason]) - Make yourself away. Also the option to add a reason, but it's not needed.
/back - Show that you are back and your status will change to "back".
/awaylist - A list of all the players that are away, also you can see the reason why they are away.


Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/XAYuiXQg
ZIP File: http://joriswoltman.com/downloads/AwayScript.zip

Messages In This Thread
Away script [Textdraw] - by BlackBank - 02.09.2012, 13:33
Re: Away script [Textdraw] - by iGetty - 02.09.2012, 13:36
Re: Away script [Textdraw] - by BlackBank - 02.09.2012, 13:39
AW: Away script [Textdraw] - by BiosMarcel - 02.09.2012, 13:40
Re: Away script [Textdraw] - by DreDasLT - 02.09.2012, 16:48
Re: Away script [Textdraw] - by BlackBank - 02.09.2012, 20:21
AW: Away script [Textdraw] - by BiosMarcel - 02.09.2012, 21:22
Re: Away script [Textdraw] - by NaBeeL[NxT] - 03.09.2012, 07:19
Re: AW: Away script [Textdraw] - by BlackBank - 03.09.2012, 11:39

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