[Tutorial] Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD

Originally Posted by new121
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I am not going to spend four hours writing a tutorial on every wich way you can do something. This was a quick and simple tutorial if you don't understand it then get the fuck out. Now fuck off back to troll land kid.
Who the fuck are you? Random insults. I am simply stating there is a much easier and better method, of which I explained above, and you go ape shit on me. And, as you said, "simple tutorial", this is more like a piece of goat shit.

Messages In This Thread
Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by new121 - 02.09.2012, 04:40
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by Kindred - 02.09.2012, 05:35
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by new121 - 02.09.2012, 05:46
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by Kindred - 02.09.2012, 05:51
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by new121 - 02.09.2012, 05:59
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by newbienoob - 02.09.2012, 06:03
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by new121 - 02.09.2012, 06:16

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