[Tutorial] Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD

Originally Posted by Kindred
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That is a stupid way of doing it, unnecessary shit. Why the hell is the integer made a string and then converted to an integer? Why the fuck wouldn't you just make an integer?

Plus, even if you did it this way, the size of the string is massive compared to what is needed (what is needed is 4 at maximum, you aren't going to have 999+ teleports).

This isn't a tutorial btw, so please hop back over the borders and go back to your own country.
I am not going to spend hours writing a tutorial if that's what you enjoy doing in your free time then you are a fucking looser. This was a quick and simple example and it explained it well enough to understand it, did you even read the comments in the code? I wrote the command in the web browser as a simple example, and if you need more then that to understand it then I don't really care figure it out some other way.

Messages In This Thread
Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by new121 - 02.09.2012, 04:40
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by Kindred - 02.09.2012, 05:35
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by new121 - 02.09.2012, 05:46
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by Kindred - 02.09.2012, 05:51
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by new121 - 02.09.2012, 05:59
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by newbienoob - 02.09.2012, 06:03
Re: Optional params with sscanf and ZCMD - by new121 - 02.09.2012, 06:16

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