Quick and Easy question

Hi i need help with this code.. im rlly new and i cannot figure out whats wrong:
Im trying to make it so when you open the gate it opens to a certain team What do we type in and where to make it declare you want this gate to open to this team only.
here is the code:

if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/opengate", true) == 0)
  if(TEAM != FBI) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You are not FBI to open this gate."); // message to player if you are not fbi.
  MoveObject(gate1, x+3, y, z, speed of moving); // x, y, z coordinates should be used same as in createobject | speed of moving should be 2.
  MoveObject(gate2, x+3, y, z, speed of moving); // x, y, z coordinates should be used same as in createobject | speed of moving should be 2.
  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "LVPD gates are opening..."); // message to you that the gate is opening.
   return 1;
All help appreciated

Messages In This Thread
Quick and Easy question - by zanakinz - 07.01.2009, 22:57
Re: Quick and Easy question - by [M]deLux - 07.01.2009, 23:12
Re: Quick and Easy question - by zanakinz - 08.01.2009, 02:03
Re: Quick and Easy question - by Martin_Smith - 08.01.2009, 11:12
Re: Quick and Easy question - by dugi - 08.01.2009, 12:49

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