BUG? Vehicles not spawning correctly after getting out of an interior

Alright, I added some vehicles near CJ's house.
The problem is that, when I teleport into the house, I get out of it, the vehicles are spawned randomly - not at the places they're supposed to be...
I went away from the vehicles, came back again... and they were spawned correctly.

Messages In This Thread
BUG? Vehicles not spawning correctly after getting out of an interior - by [MWR]Blood - 28.08.2012, 18:15
Respuesta: BUG? Vehicles not spawning correctly after getting out of an interior - by EduGTA - 29.08.2012, 22:39
Re: BUG? Vehicles not spawning correctly after getting out of an interior - by [MWR]Blood - 31.08.2012, 06:18
Re: BUG? Vehicles not spawning correctly after getting out of an interior - by Jochemd - 31.08.2012, 06:25

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