[Map] Oil Rig (not CrazyK copied map)

Not bad, But all the bugs like the ground, and the stairs, so just keep practicing 6/10

Messages In This Thread
Oil Rig (not CrazyK copied map) - by [SAS]Frost[DT] - 28.08.2012, 06:59
Re: Oil Rig (not CrazyK copied map) - by Djean - 28.08.2012, 10:08
Re: Oil Rig (not CrazyK copied map) - by Colby - 28.08.2012, 21:40
Re: Oil Rig (not CrazyK copied map) - by Dredd - 28.08.2012, 22:28
Re: Oil Rig (not CrazyK copied map) - by KINGINA - 29.08.2012, 14:34

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