Hiding the name that stands above you

Hello there, I need this project so badly, let me explain;

As you all know in SA:MP, when you create a character, your nickname shows up above your character. Basically I want to hide that Nickname and ID but with a condition;

There'll be a command which allows you to meet with someone in-game. (Ex: /meet "ID")

When you use that command on someone, there'll be an offer sent to the person that you offered it. It'll ask like;

" "ID of the person who's sending the offer" wants to meet with you, do you accept? If you do (/accept meeting)

Then suddenly you'll be able to see his/her ID and same for him. Check the picture which stands below;

I'm so appreciate, thanks from now.

Messages In This Thread
Hiding the name that stands above you - by fuem1907 - 22.08.2012, 11:06
Re: Hiding the name that stands above you - by FalconX - 22.08.2012, 11:11

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