22.08.2012, 10:35
No... learn scripting it, just set the vehicleid and the virtual world you want them to go to in that function... It's not that hard.
pawn Код:
// First define the number of vehicles you want to set the virtual world of..
#define NUM_VEH (1) // since the numbers starts from 0 so 1 will be 2
// now declare a new GLOBAL variable at top to assign the created vehicles in..
new a_gVehicleSet[ NUM_VEH ]; // at top
// now in gamemodeinint or whereever your vehicles are, just do something like the following:
a_gVehicleSet[ 0 ] = AddStaticVehicle(418,2499.30004883,-1650.19995117,13.69999981,168.00000000,86,1); //Moonbeam
a_gVehicleSet[ 1 ] = AddStaticVehicle(483,2466.10009766,-1670.59997559,13.60000038,0.00000000,86,1); //Camper
// and so on... (add more.. )
pawn Код:
// now when you want to set the virtual world of the vehicle, we will loop all the vehicles and set the virtual world for all of them at once.
for( new x = 0; x < NUM_VEH; x++ ) // in gamemode init?
SetVehicleVirtualWorld( a_gVehicleSet[ x ], YOUR_WORLD_ID );