How would I create SQL tables for this?

KINGJ don't keep backups, and he deleted the .sql file. This is really annoying, as I've been working on this script for the past 6 months now...

Messages In This Thread
How would I create SQL tables for this? - by Luke_James - 21.08.2012, 11:08
Re: How would I create SQL tables for this? - by playbox12 - 21.08.2012, 12:15
Re: How would I create SQL tables for this? - by Luke_James - 21.08.2012, 12:43
AW: How would I create SQL tables for this? - by Johndaonee - 21.08.2012, 13:05
Re: How would I create SQL tables for this? - by Luke_James - 21.08.2012, 13:20

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