21.08.2012, 05:12
Why do you kill the timer? It makes no sense to kill it AFTER it's been used. That's like throwing a banana that you've already eaten in the trash - it's impossible for starters unless you puke it up but yeah this analogy is going weird so let's stop here. Don't kill a timer that's already dead.
As for it not being called, try and replace all the code in the timer with just a print. Also why do you even have a variable for it? It never gets killed. You should kill it under OnPlayerDisconnect though in case they /q in the first 2 seconds after connecting. It may happen. Summary: replace function contents with a print to see if it's being called. |
As you can see in "WelcomeTimer" there's a "print("1");" at the very top, that does not get printed at all when the player connects for the first time.. but the timer does get activated as I can tell by the debugging.