SAMP DEVS: Will you add more samp custom files?

I am not sure but what I do know is that Kalcor doesn't want to make the samp model file too big, so it's safe to say you can use high values and they won't be used. Use a large value and you should be relatively safe.

Messages In This Thread
SAMP DEVS: Will you add more samp custom files? - by TheSpaggiari - 17.08.2012, 23:49
Re: SAMP DEVS: Will you add more samp custom files? - by TheSpaggiari - 18.08.2012, 20:56
Re: SAMP DEVS: Will you add more samp custom files? - by playbox12 - 18.08.2012, 21:00
Re: SAMP DEVS: Will you add more samp custom files? - by TheSpaggiari - 19.08.2012, 12:41
Re: SAMP DEVS: Will you add more samp custom files? - by TheSpaggiari - 26.08.2012, 10:16
Re: SAMP DEVS: Will you add more samp custom files? - by cessil - 26.08.2012, 10:31

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