17.08.2012, 19:08
Oh sorry, change the lines to this, because the x y z are stored in these arrays:
Or yes, rest the of the parameters are optional, you can just do:
And in that case also remove the new Pos[3].
E:// Leonardo, btw that loop isn't the most efficient one. Because you have to call the function GetMaxPlayers() alot, when a lot of people in the server. It's faster to use just MAX_PLAYERS, or better, use foreach include.
pawn Код:
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, url, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2], 1);
pawn Код:
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, url);
E:// Leonardo, btw that loop isn't the most efficient one. Because you have to call the function GetMaxPlayers() alot, when a lot of people in the server. It's faster to use just MAX_PLAYERS, or better, use foreach include.