Setting up SAMPGDK in C++

I forgot to mention that you also need to add an object library to your solution. It's in the sa-mpgdk directory.

Right click on your solution in the solution explorer.
Click Add > Add existing item.
Navigate to *sampgdk directory/lib/sampgdk3 and add this lib.

If you followed the previous steps, and then this one you should have it working w/o errors/warnings.

Let me know if you want me to upload a blank version for you.

EDIT: Lorenc if your only having trouble adding additional directories to be included you should look at visual studios documentation.

Messages In This Thread
Setting up SAMPGDK in C++ - by Drebin - 18.07.2012, 15:11
Re: Setting up SAMPGDK in C++ - by iggy1 - 18.07.2012, 17:18
Re: Setting up SAMPGDK in C++ - by Lorenc_ - 21.07.2012, 12:19
Re: Setting up SAMPGDK in C++ - by Lorenc_ - 17.08.2012, 09:29
Re: Setting up SAMPGDK in C++ - by iggy1 - 17.08.2012, 17:01
Re: Setting up SAMPGDK in C++ - by Lorenc_ - 17.08.2012, 23:15

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