Property Doesn't Exist - When Clearly It Does?

Ok, so i have this problem (refer to screenshot below)

Problem is, i want to remove that message, it spams too much, but i can't find it in the script at all. I'm using the RX:RP / Vortex Roleplay script created by Calgon way back. If anyones familiar with it, and knows how to remove that message, i really need to know. Also i have 2 other problems. My /kick and /ban cmds, are scripted as admin cmds, but they're reading as rcon ones. Here's the scripting for em. I don't see a problem with them, so i don't understand why they only work when in the rcon.

command(kick, playerid, params[])
	new id, reason[128], string[ 128 ];
	if( sscanf( params, "us", id, reason) )
	    if( Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 1 )
			SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /kick [playerid] [reason]" );
		if( Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 1)
		    if(IsPlayerConnected(id) )
		        if( Player[id][AdminLevel] > Player[playerid][AdminLevel])
		            SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "You do not have the authority to do that (higher rank)." );
		            return 1;

		        if( Player[id][AdminLevel] < 1)
		            SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "You have earned an admin action!" );

		        format( string, sizeof( string ), "Kick: %s has been kicked by %s, reason: %s", GetName(id), Player[playerid][AdminName], reason);
		        SendClientMessageToAll(LIGHTRED, string);
		        AdminActionsLog( string );
		        format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have been kicked from the server for %s", reason);
		        SendClientMessage(id, WHITE, string);
		        SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "That player is not connected." );
		        return 1;
	return 1;
 command(ban, playerid, params[])
	new id, reason[128], string[ 128 ], ServerURL[128];
	if( sscanf( params, "uz", id, reason ) )
	    if( Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 2 )
			SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /ban [playerid] [reason]" );
		if( Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 2 )
		    if( IsPlayerConnectedEx( id ) )
		        if( Player[id][AdminLevel] >= Player[playerid][AdminLevel] )
		            SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "You do not have the authority to do that (higher rank, or the same)." );
				    if( strlen( reason ) >= 1 )
					    new hour, minute, second, day, year, month;
				        gettime( hour, minute, second );
				        getdate( year, month, day );

			            new IP[21];

			    		GetPlayerIp( id, IP, sizeof( IP ) );
						format( string, sizeof( string ), "%d/%d/%d | %d:%d | %s | %s | %s | %s", day, month, year, hour, minute, IP, GetName( id ), reason, Player[playerid][AdminName] );
						BanLog( string );

				        if( Player[id][AdminLevel] < 1 )
				        	SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "You have earned an admin action!" );

				        GetServerVarAsString( "weburl", ServerURL, sizeof( ServerURL ) );
				        format( string, sizeof( string ), "Ban: %s has been banned by %s, reason: %s", GetName( id ), Player[playerid][AdminName], reason );
				        SendClientMessageToAll( LIGHTRED, string );
				        AdminActionsLog( string );
				        format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have been banned for %s. If you wish to appeal your ban, go to %s.", reason, ServerURL );
				        SendClientMessage( id, GREY, string );
				        Player[id][Banned] = 1;
				        Ban( id );
			            SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /ban [playerid] [reason]" );
		        SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "That player is not connected or isn't logged in." );
		        return 1;
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Property Doesn't Exist - When Clearly It Does? - by Vincent_Johnson - 16.08.2012, 15:02

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