Help for a first timer!


Open your Server_Folder/PAWNO/INCLUDES/You must copy here the

After it, You must add a line in your Gamemode with the following information:

pawn Код:
#include <zcmd>

Make sure that you have copied the latest version of the mentionated include, otherwise it might now work so well.

I hope it helps!!

Best Regards.

Messages In This Thread
Help for a first timer! - by IrCam - 15.08.2012, 12:29
Re: Help for a first timer! - by Jstylezzz - 15.08.2012, 12:32
Re: Help for a first timer! - by IrCam - 16.08.2012, 02:21
Re: Help for a first timer! - by Avi57 - 16.08.2012, 04:16
Re: Help for a first timer! - by Weaselpwns - 16.08.2012, 08:33
Re: Help for a first timer! - by Dan. - 16.08.2012, 08:37
Respuesta: Help for a first timer! - by ThePhenix - 16.08.2012, 09:00

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