16.08.2012, 07:33
I've seen a server with no commands... A mini-missions server which made good use of the OnPlayerKeyStateChange callback and the OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint callback.
Anyways,on-topic,indeed strcmp is unefficient and you should learn ZCMD/YCMD(they are both very good,just that YCMD is better for a server with more then 100,or 100 players,but for a server with30-50-70 players,ZCMD will do well,it's all about the proccessing time) and to make your commands more efficient use togheter with one of these system,sscanf wich is the best proccessor for commands that have the format: /command ID,rather then strtock. .And ZCMD/YCMD commands MUST not be added on OnPlayerCommandText,add them separatly at the bottom of your script .