Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?!

Originally Posted by Vedo_
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Jobs > you earn money by doing jobs ? i mean srsly ? i never saw any one earning money in a jail because of doing jobs all i know that any one get jailed get some money before going in there and some times prisoners steal kill others to get their money bet on races what ever.

Originally Posted by Vedo_
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Factions > I saw alot of servers got Faction: Army and more useless factions never found in the prison
- Jail guards(serving inside the jail)
- Jail Security(serving around the jail with guns and dogs)
- Jail Manager Certification Commission
- Jail Administrator(one person) (& Assistant)
- Police (outside)
- News reporter
thats all factions that can be in prison.
maybe some factions as a job for prisoners... (yes,in real life,prisoners work for money)
Originally Posted by Vedo_
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Cells and Business > i never in my life saw a prisoner owning a cell in a prison those cells should be controlled by some guards Business i never saw a shop in a prison this is really weird.
but prisoners can sell things to other prisoners,so this is also some kind of business.

Originally Posted by Vedo_
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Weapons> the only weapons prisoners should have is a knife bat or a shovel or the guards should be dirty and sell them to the prisoners this is the real rping
Dirty guards ? sell weapons ? non-realistic,for sure.

Messages In This Thread
Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by [GF]Logic - 15.08.2012, 19:37
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by markuss99 - 15.08.2012, 19:56
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by owen4004 - 15.08.2012, 20:01
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Kindred - 15.08.2012, 20:13
Re : Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by P.Banks - 15.08.2012, 20:15
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by LaGrande - 15.08.2012, 20:39
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by SchurmanCQC - 15.08.2012, 20:50
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by markuss99 - 15.08.2012, 20:53
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 15.08.2012, 20:57
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Kaperstone - 15.08.2012, 22:01
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by WackoX - 15.08.2012, 22:23
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Nicholas. - 15.08.2012, 23:28
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Megalex - 16.08.2012, 14:49
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Ainseri - 17.08.2012, 00:44
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Makaveli93 - 17.08.2012, 00:47
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by jameskmonger - 17.08.2012, 00:54
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Soumi - 17.08.2012, 03:59
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Shadowz - 17.08.2012, 08:06
Re : Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by Forge - 28.08.2012, 18:18
Re: Why Prison "RP" are non rp ?! - by SAMP_Player - 01.09.2012, 04:51

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