15.08.2012, 15:27
How can I do it like if I do /coin the result is random.Like if I do /coin it appears heads,and the second time I do it is also random like no one knows that what is the result,it might come tails or heads.
pawn Код:
if( strcmp( cmdtext, "/coin", cmdtext, true ) == 0 )
new str[ 128 ];
GetPlayerName( playerid, str, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
switch( random( 2 ) )
case 0: format( str, 128, "%s flips the coin and lands it on heads", str );
case 1: format( str, 128, "%s flips the coin and lands it on tails", str );
SendClientMessageToAll( 0x0780E3FF, str );
return 1;