
Y_commands is part of the YSI library, and it won't work alone, it requires many other libraries included in YSI.


I quickly browsed y_commands.inc, it requires the following libraries :
y_version, y_master, y_groups, y_debug, y_hooks, y_bintree, y_amx, y_playerarray, y_utils and y_natives.

So yes, you will need the whole YSI library

Messages In This Thread
[INFO]y_commands - by Speed++ - 14.08.2012, 17:41
Re: [INFO]y_commands - by [EnErGyS]KING - 14.08.2012, 17:52
Re : [INFO]y_commands - by Eony - 14.08.2012, 17:55
Re: [INFO]y_commands - by Shetch - 14.08.2012, 17:58
Re: [INFO]y_commands - by Speed++ - 14.08.2012, 18:24

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