Cheaters decreasing money

Ok thanks a lot, i'll try to store all the banned serials in an ini file and check in OnPlayerConnect if the player's serial is one of those in the ini file.

Thank you, the topic can be closed.

Messages In This Thread
Cheaters decreasing money - by CONTROLA - 14.08.2012, 09:31
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 14.08.2012, 09:35
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by lamarr007 - 14.08.2012, 09:37
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by CONTROLA - 14.08.2012, 09:42
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 14.08.2012, 09:56
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by CONTROLA - 14.08.2012, 10:03
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 14.08.2012, 10:06
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by CONTROLA - 14.08.2012, 10:09

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