Cheaters decreasing money

Well, if I'm using the gpci native aren't there any chances for a player to get innocently kicked for having the same serial as the banned player?

Messages In This Thread
Cheaters decreasing money - by CONTROLA - 14.08.2012, 09:31
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 14.08.2012, 09:35
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by lamarr007 - 14.08.2012, 09:37
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by CONTROLA - 14.08.2012, 09:42
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 14.08.2012, 09:56
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by CONTROLA - 14.08.2012, 10:03
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 14.08.2012, 10:06
Re: Cheaters decreasing money - by CONTROLA - 14.08.2012, 10:09

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