Constantly timing out on every Server

One thing your ISP could have blocked the samp port (7777) or if your trying to join a rolyplay server there naming system makes it so that you have to join like this Jason_Jeffree, if you have been joining with a nickname like this (yerbubbyyy) it wouldnt let you join, but If your ISP has closed that port they shouldnt have or maybe you need to check you computer local ip and make sure the ports are forwarded to the right device.

Need any other help PM me.

Messages In This Thread
Constantly timing out on every Server - by Spyster - 13.08.2012, 21:51
Re: Constantly timing out on every Server - by Captain_jeffree95 - 14.08.2012, 01:37
Re: Constantly timing out on every Server - by Spyster - 14.08.2012, 02:09
Re: Constantly timing out on every Server - by Zach7 - 19.08.2012, 16:47

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